Introducing Steam Boiler – EQOS / Super EQOS

NTEC has been serving society’s heating needs for more than half a century and handle a wide variety of heat generation equipment. Here we will introduce our steam boiler products EQOS and Super EQOS series.

What is the EQOS Series and Super EQOS Series?

The EQOS series and Super EQOS series are classified as “once-through boilers” in our steam boiler product line. Since our establishment in 1961, we have provided various types of steam boilers, including flue and smoke tube boilers and water tube boilers, and the EQOS series and Super EQOS series, which are once-through boilers, are now our main products. The product name EQOS is derived from the first letters of the following words.


Steam Boiler Lineup

The EQOS series is a standard model with a wide range of equivalent evaporation (from and at 100°C) from 100 to 2,000 kg/h. The Super EQOS series is a high-end model with high efficiency and high functionality with equivalent evaporation from 2,000 to 6,000 kg/h. Both series demonstrate excellent performance in a wide range of situations where steam is required, such as the automotive, electrical, machinery, pharmaceutical, hospital, food and beverage industries.


The EQOS series and Super EQOS series are equipped with a highly functional control panel that allows intuitive and easy operation. The S-Navi microcomputer, the high-end specification, provides an easy-to-understand display of the current boiler status on a color LCD screen. The S-Navi microcomputer is standard on the Super EQOS Series.

More Information on Our Steam Boilers

We have briefly introduced the EQOS and Super EQOS series. For details, please refer to [Products > Steam Boiler] or [Catalog Download]. If you have any questions about our steam boilers, please contact us.

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  • Steam Boiler
  • Vacuum Type Water Heater
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